Preliminary exercise feedback and learner response


Preliminary exercise feedback and learner response

WWW: There’s lots to credit here – it is unmistakeably an advert that clearly outlines the benefits of the product with the use of AI generated voiceover. It clearly gives the audience reasons to buy the product and you’ve included conventions of TV advertising like the brand at the end, a slogan and product shots.


EBI: You have some preliminary planning posted to your blog but not every task was complete so that’s one to keep an eye on for pre-production and the main coursework adverts. Planning is so important!


In terms of your preliminary exercise, the key feedback is the visuals – the shots just aren’t interesting enough to keep the audience’s attention for the duration of the advert. I would develop a plan that uses people/characters rather than the bottles as characters but it works perfectly well as a preliminary exercise. The other feedback is the choice of font at the end – the text you have added on screen doesn’t match the branding of the product which really stands out. You want to aim for as professional a finish as you can with your Media coursework so we can aim for the top grades.

LR: As your learner response, write what you are planning to make for your real coursework. Will you choose to make the 2 video adverts or 3 print adverts? Explain your decision

-For my real coursework, ill make sure the video isn't rushed and planned properly, use bettewr camera angles and shots and use characters instead of fictional items


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