
Preliminary exercise feedback and learner response

  Preliminary exercise feedback and learner response WWW: There’s lots to credit here – it is unmistakeably an advert that clearly outlines the benefits of the product with the use of AI generated voiceover. It clearly gives the audience reasons to buy the product and you’ve included conventions of TV advertising like the brand at the end, a slogan and product shots.   EBI: You have some preliminary planning posted to your blog but not every task was complete so that’s one to keep an eye on for pre-production and the main coursework adverts. Planning is so important!   In terms of your preliminary exercise, the key feedback is the visuals – the shots just aren’t interesting enough to keep the audience’s attention for the duration of the advert. I would develop a plan that uses people/characters rather than the bottles as characters but it works perfectly well as a preliminary exercise. The other feedback is the choice of font at the end – the text you have added on screen doesn

Year 11 Paper 1 assessment: Learner response

  Year 11 Paper 1 assessment: Learner response : 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). 2) Look at the  mark scheme for this assessment . For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify  three  points that you could have referred to in your answer. -  Athletic body connotes that the subject is in condition and well prepared for the ‘battle’. • No direct address but the subject’s eyes are focused on pushing the heavy tyre (physical exertion) which connotes determination and power in the face of adversity. This is reinforced by his facial expression which has his mouth open in a roar which connotes supremacy and effort. • Dress code has connotations of strength since the trainers are engaged in the activity and the clothes are functional and appropriate for task so they connote success and durability. The make-up shows sweat and dirt which has connotations of being ready for action and taking

Video adverts pre-production: blog tasks

  Video adverts pre-production: blog tasks ADVERT 1: MAN 1: Anarshan SUPPORTER: Imaan MAN 1:   (WIDE SHOT OF PARK) , (SLOW ZOOM INTO MAN 1)          (MAN 1 IS RUNNING AROUND THE PARK PRATICING FOR HIS 100M RUN) Supporter:  (OVER THE SHOULDER) , (Supporter sitting on the bench disappointed because MAN 1 wasn't fast enough and could tell he was out of energy) MAN 1: *HUFFS HEAVILY* Oh my goodness, I feel so tired, there is no way I could do the race, I'm too slow. SUPPORTER: *STANDS UP FROM THE BENCH AND WALKS TOWARDS MAN 1* Don't say that (MOA) you just need a different energy source instead of *HOLDS UNHEALTHY DRINK* this.. *close-up on unhealthy drink* *THROWS AWAY THE DRINK* you need this.. *HOLDS UP HEALTHY DRINK (CLOSE-UP)* MAN 1: What the hell is that? SUPPORTER: It's a drink that perks you right up, it's filled with lots of nutrients and vitamins to help your body and gives you an energy boost MAN 1: I don't believe you  SUPPORTER: Try it for yourself *THR

Coursework: Preliminary exercise 2024

  Coursework: Preliminary exercise 2024 : In my ad, I will make a stop motion, where the smoothie will relax in the tree feeling happy and all (personnification), 5 seconds later in to the advert, the drink will then want to spread happiness to all living things shuch as trees, humans etc. it will wander around the park spreading colours and joy in the miserable park and then the ad will end with the brand and the slogan which is "Taste great, feel great".

End of Year 1 exam: Learner response

  End of Year 1 exam: Learner response : 1) Type up any feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). - the key is reading and writing, understanding and focusing on the question. - revise mise-en-scene and narrative -we will work on social + cultural contexts in class 2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Question 1.1 asks about mise-en-scene. What do we use to remember mise-en-scene? Give one example answer from the mark scheme too. - CLAMPS - Will’s costume – makes him look like he is from our world 3) Question 1.2 asks about narrative features in the extract. Look at the mark scheme to pick out  three  possible answers for this question.  -  • Todorov (equilibrium): The empty city creates a sense of disequilibrium – that something has gone wrong and needs to be repaired or at least understood by the characters. • Barthes (enigma and action codes): Action codes – the music, the chase scene, the confrontation between the c

Summer Project: coursework planning

  Summer Project: coursework planning>:i Innocent Drinks 1) What is the  unique selling point  of the product?  -Donates 10% to charity 2) What  audience  do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain  why . -I think its aimed at audience who want to give help to the needy. For example, after innocent drinks posted their ads they sales have gone up and so have their revenue meaning they can donate 10% of their revenue to Uganda an other helpless countries 3) What do you notice about the  technical construction  of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. - i liked the animations because not only it seems fun to drink but also attracts other younger audience to enjoy the smoothie and get their vitamins up 4) What  representations  can you find in the advert? This may be representations of people or groups or perhaps the brand itself. - people - this could

Radio: KISS FM Breakfast show CSP

  Radio: KISS FM Breakfast show CSP 1) Read page 2. What is KISS FM's mission? -to help educate and entertain podcast listners 2) Look at page 3. What is the target audience for KISS FM? As well as writing the key statistics from the media pack, try and suggest what  psychographic groups  would fit the KISS audience too. - 15-34 year olds. 3) Now look at page 5 - The KISS network. How does KISS use digital media and technology to reach its audience?  - they use social media to help advertise their podcast for the breakfast show, they need to show who they are and what they do and why. 4) Now look at the other side of page 5. What content do KISS Fresh and KISSTORY offer and how can audiences access those stations?   - Kiss fresh lets you know on the latest news and KISSSTORY offer  Stories that have been shared on their website and read out loud on the podcast. 5) Read page 6. What are the different ways audiences can actively engage with the KISS radio brand?  - one way is to enqu